Saturday, January 28, 2012

Shawn & Natalie

I had such a wonderful time photographing one of the cutest couples on the planet. Natalie was one of my Young Women and had always been such a joy to be around. She was always willing to serve others, was kind to everyone of all ages, and just lit up the room whenever she walked into it. I knew that whoever she one day married was going to be one lucky guy.

I met Shawn for the first time at the photo shoot. I knew that in order for Natalie to have chosen him, he must be a pretty great guy. And he was. When I opened my car door to get the ladder out for some of our pictures, he didn't hesitate at all and just carried it for me. Throughout the shoot he kept moving Natalie's hair out of her eyes. It was a very sweet gesture. He was very kind and I knew they both have chosen well and will be so happy together. Congrats you two!