I forgot about these pictures that I took of Annika in her baptism dress. She looks so much like my late mother, and I find such a comfort just looking at my Annika. We love these Catalina Mountains near our home. They are so majestic and such a big part of why I love living where we do!
Had a fun time taking these pictures of my kids today. I just think they are such wonderful people and I am so blessed to be their mother!

I know, I take a lot of pictures of my Claire. Well, she's at home during the day while the other kids are at school so I get to practice on her. She loves to wear this headband and calls it her "crown". She pretty much wears it every day and with all sorts of outfits. Just loved this sweet face on her.
As part of a weekly photography challenge, we were asked to drive 10 minutes from our house...not 5, not 11, but 10. At that moment we were to get out of our car and go take a picture of something. Well, I drove my 10 minutes and then walked 3 to get to this location. Claire was with me and she saw me sitting in the water to take this picture. She kept walking ahead of me and sat down in the water. The shot of her in it was by far my favorite!
Loved this shot that I caught of my oldest daughter in front of these blossoms. This tree is in the retention basin across the street from our house, and it blooms like this for about a week. I've been looking out of my window each day waiting for it to happen. The weather promised us a windy storm the next day, so I knew the blossoms might not last (which they didn't). Carpe diem!!!!
Claire and I were just chillaxin' on the couch after church in this picture. I just love her innocence and beautiful expressions.