Definition of Herring Family: loving, service-oriented, down-to-earth, funny, kind, amazing...
That list could go on. I love the Herring Family! At our church, the mom, Corinne, is my visiting teacher. What does that mean? Well, it means that I have the privilege of having her come over and visit with me once at month to see how my life is, to talk about whatever we want, and she also brings me an uplifting message. But she is so much more to me than just a visiting teacher. I consider Corinne one of the best examples to me of what a mother should be. She is a very dear friend and someone who I have been able to open up with about some very tender things in my life.
Her husband Aaron is one of the counselors in the bishopric at our church. That means that he helps oversee all the members to make sure they're doing well and that things are running smoothly. He is always willing to lend a helping hand and has taught his children to do the same. Their sons are stalwart and respectable and their daughters are polite and caring.
With them having 8 kids, and us having 4, somewhere in there, there are bound to be friendships. Our Annika is great friends with Camille. Our Brock is a buddy to Ashlee. And our Claire considers Taylor her very best friend. We just love the Herrings!